Chandragupt by Jaishankar Prasad

Chandragupta is a prominent play by Jaishankar Prasad. It is a play about the rise of Mauryan Empire founder Chandragupta Maurya and the fall of King Dhana Nanda, the ruler of superpower Magadh. Also, it is a story about Chanakya’s revenge and his beliefs.

One of the quote from the book I liked:

मनुष्य साधारण धर्मा पशु है, विचारशील होने से मनुष्य हो सकता है और निःस्वार्थ कर्म करने से वही देवता भी हो सकता है।

Meaning: Human is originally an animal, by thinking it can become human and by doing unselfish work he only can become god.


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