The Departed

I dont want to be the product of my environment....but I want my environment to be my product
No one gives it to you. You have to take it....
...u can become a cop or a criminal but..... when you r facing a gun .....whats the difference?????

non serviam was spoken by Satan as he refused to serve God. It translates into "I will not serve."
maybe...or maybe not... or maybe **** yourself .. I m a detective I'll find it out...or just give it ... sometimes card helps...
I am not the cops..I am not asking you...
You cant trust a guy who has nothing to loose..... hand does not shake.... ever...
so what do you want????? u wanna know the truth .....yaa....VALIUM......If you lied, you'd have an easier time getting what you wanted......................2 pills...why dont u give me a bottle of scotch and a handgun to blow my ****** head off.......


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