LotR - The fellowship of the ring
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is a movie that you don’t want to miss. It’s a real beauty that you’ll want to watch again and again. The startup commentary is one of the best among all Hollywood movies, and Galadriel’s voice is ethereal. The depiction of Gollum’s character in a shadowy manner is quite terrific. Although this movie mainly concentrates on fights rather than battles, some of the scenes at the beginning of the movie are ecstatic.
The adaptation is thorough, although 3.5 hours is not enough to capture all the intricate details like Tom Bombadil and Bilbo Baggins’ escape from Gollum’s cave. The whole movie seems majestic and it’s very difficult not to like it. Every bit of it is terrific, from the Bridge of Khaza-dum to Bree, the gates of Rivendell, and the mines of Moria.
One cannot forget the depiction of the Shire which looks so innocent a place and the stress on the color green is absolutely stunning. If you ever plan to see this movie, see it now and I know you’ll like it every second of it.